
Veterinary Technician


What made you decide a career in veterinary medicine?

I have always had a passion for animals since I was little. I would visit my grandparents farm in Puerto Rico and would spend any chance I could being with their animals. This then transferred to volunteering at the animal shelter in my hometown, and since then I knew I wanted to make it my career.

Who makes up your pet family?

My four-legged family members consist of a Maltese, Yoyo and two rabbits, Bambi & Domino.

Is there a particular pet story that has turned into your “family folklore “?

When I was young, I saved a baby robin that had fallen out of the tree when it was learning to fly. I helped it reunite with its mother and ever since my family and I are convinced the family of robins return every year.

If you could choose to be any animal what would it be and why?

I would love to be a falcon; they just seem so majestic and being able to fly seems like a dream.

What would you like the pet owners of Mill Pond Veterinary Hospital to know about you?

I enjoy coming to work every day and seeing our four-legged friends. I myself see my pets as part of my family and therefore treat all other pets who come to see us just the same. I’ve been in this field of work for the last three years, and I never grow tired of it. It has been a pleasure and joy to meet the extended furry family of Mill Pond’s Pet owner.


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