Veterinary Dentistry

Keep Your Pet’s Teeth Clean & Healthy

Veterinary Dentistry in Branford

As you may already know, oral care is a huge part of keeping your pet in good health. Dental disease has been linked to a number of problems like anemia or chronic infection, tooth root abscesses that may cause facial and eye pain, reduced appetite, oral pain, and fever. Luckily, this is a very manageable and preventable problem.

Preventative Dental Care

For prevention, most recommendations include brushing your pet’s teeth at home, and giving them hard food and dental treats as approved by the Veterinary Oral Health Council.

If your pet already has dental disease, there is nothing like a good scale/polish/radiograph series to get those teeth back in good health or to further assess need for additional dental work. This is done under general anesthesia to allow for the most thorough assessment. Here at Mill Pond we take anesthesia very seriously and have certain requirements in place, such as a recent blood work evaluation and physical exam, to maximize the safety of this procedure.

If further dental work is necessary, we have the ability to perform a comprehensive intervention that may involve extraction(s), attempts to save teeth (doxycycline gel instillation) and some more advanced techniques like oral surgery for mass removal and biopsy.

Our goal is always to provide the safest procedure possible combined with the most effective and efficient techniques to make your pets mouth healthy and work with you on a game plan to keep it that way.

Dental FAQs

Q: How do I know if my pet needs a dental prophylaxis/intervention?

A: The easy answer is to bring them in and have us take a look. The at-home answer to that is “Lift the Lip!” If you lift the upper lip on either side of your dog or cat’s mouth and look at both the front teeth and the back teeth (slide the finger back until you can see those larger teeth) and see anything like yellow/brown/green/black build-up or reddened, pushed-up gums (gingivitis) they should probably come in for a discussion on what a dental visit could do for them.

Q: I’ve had pets all my life and we never needed to do anything with their teeth. Why is this so important for my pet now?

A: Until quite recently, pet oral health was on the back burner for both owners and veterinarians alike. Whether it be the cost involved, the lack of access to appropriate equipment and training or the lack of time it takes to educate on the importance of oral health, many very bad mouths flew under the radar. Unfortunately, those others pets most likely needed dental care and it was just never addressed.

Q: Will my pet have to stay overnight?

A: Your pet will be able to go home the day of their procedure. The morning drop-off is prior to 9 am and most patients go home before 6:30 pm.

Q: How often should I brush my pet's teeth at home?

A: Regular brushing is key to maintaining your pet’s dental health. Aim to brush your pet’s teeth at least 2-3 times per week using a pet-safe toothbrush and toothpaste.

Q: What are the signs of dental problems in pets?

A: Signs of dental problems in pets may include bad breath, swollen or bleeding gums, difficulty eating, pawing at the mouth, and loose or broken teeth. If you notice any of these signs, it’s essential to schedule a dental exam for your pet as soon as possible.

Contact us online or call (203) 488-5990 to schedule an appointment. We serve patients from North Branford, Guilford, East Haven, and the surrounding areas.