Video Otoscopy

Treating Ear Conditions in Cats & Dogs

Pet Video Otoscopy in Branford

To diagnose and treat challenging ear conditions, our veterinarians use a video otoscope, which makes it possible to view and photograph the patient’s outer ear, ear canal, and eardrum. With this advanced technology, we can pinpoint the problem with your pet’s ear(s) and find the right solution quickly. If your pet is experiencing an ear condition, turn to the team at Mill Pond Veterinary Hospital.

Give us a call at (203) 488-5990 to schedule an appointment today.

How a Video Otoscope Works

A video otoscope emits light through a fiber optic cable that is attached to a handheld camera. Images of your pet’s ear and ear canal are displayed on a full-color monitor for both you and the veterinarian to see. Sedation or anesthesia may be necessary to ensure that the patient is still enough for us to get useful images. These images help us diagnose health problems and allow us as a team to monitor the progress of treatment.

A video otoscopy can be beneficial to diagnose and treat:

  • Allergies
  • Ruptured ear drum
  • Infections
  • Ear mites
  • Tumors
  • Impacted ears
  • Foreign material in ears

If your pet has a history of reoccurring or severe ear infections, or if you have noticed your pet scratching at their ears frequently, bring them into our hospital for an otoscopy. This fast procedure can help us efficiently diagnose and treat your pet.

Learn more about our video otoscopy services in Branford by calling (203) 488-5990.